What is the difference between a stray cat and a feral cat?
A stray cat is a pet cat who is lost or abandoned. Feral cats are the offspring of lost or abandoned pet
cats or other feral cats who are not spayed or neutered.
Stray cats are accustomed to contact with people and are tame, but feral cats are not accustomed to
contact with people and are typically too fearful and wild to be handled.
Wheras stray cats may be reunited with their families or adopted into new homes, feral cats do not
easily adapt or may never adapt to living as pets in close contact with people. However, there are many
things you can do to help improve the health and quality of life of feral cats.
What is the TNR?
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is a strategy for improving the lives of feral cats and reducing their
numbers. At a minimum, feral cats who are TNRed are spayed or neutered so they can no longer
reproduce, vaccinated against rabies, and surgically ear-tipped on one ear (ear-tipping is the
universally-recognized sign of a cat who has been TNRed). Dedicated caretakers feed and provide
shelter for TNRed cats, monitor the TNRed cats for sickness and remove new cats for TNR if feral or
possible adoption if tame.
Kelley's Kritters specializes on the humane trapping & sterilization of feral cats,
in an effort to help reduce pet over-population.
To date, we have participated in trapping over 300 cats in the local communites
(Solon, Oakwood, Glenwillow, Mayfield, Maple Heights, Cleveland, Parma, Seven
Hills & Mentor... to name a few)!
We utilize the Cleveland APL's low cost spay/neuter program for
feral/free-roaming cats. A $10 donation will allow one cat to be surgically
sterilized, vaccinated for rabies & distemper and ear tipped, for identification
Male cats are held in traps for 24 hours (longer if necessary); females are held for
3-7 days post surgery, depending on weather conditions or medical related
conditions with the animal.

New Rates for Spay & Neuter at the Cleveland Animal Protective League!!!!
Any cat or kitten (Cuyahoga County Residents) $10 for spay/neuter and vaccinations Any cat or kitten (all other counties) $25 for spay/neuter and vaccinations
FIV/FeLV Combo Test $30 Revolution (flea/earmite/worming treatment) $9